Thoughts for the day…

I have been very focused on the plan today and that is easy to do when I have the day at home during half term. I wonder how focused I will be rushing home from work to chop and cook next week. I know I can do it, the question raised is simply WILL I WANT TO? I haven’t felt hungry today but now as I type, the temptation to munch is overwhelming again. Crisps, biscuits, cake, chocolate, ANYTHING SWEET! The inner fight is real. Need to find strategies for late night munchies as I cannot be giving in to this feeling. Food cannot continue to control me. That much I know for sure. Maybe it is time for PJ’s and a cuppa, snuggled up with some brain dead tv. But first I need to throw some overnight oats in the fridge for the morning. It is all about the planning 😉

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