Hamster in a wheel…

After being sick for 2 days and unable to cook or exercise, not looking forward to the scales tomorrow but hit the gym tonight and managed to run for the first time ever on a treadmill…huge excitement from me. Whoop! Whoop! 10km of HIIT workouts and over 1000 calories burnt. Nice work. 

Had a go at the Beep test during a PE lesson today…over at 4.3. Aiming for at least 6 next time. Had chicken, rice and salad with pitta bread at cafe today and a SW ready meal after the gym. Hoping for a great sleep tonight as last 2 nights were awful.

Looking forward to the weekend and some down time.

New week…

Today was a good day on plan. Have saved some syns for the evening as well. Whoop! Whoop! I hit the gym although only for a gentle stroll as legs are very sore. Nacho Style Feast for dinner and leftovers for lunch tomorrow. Yum. Yum. Tired. Sore. But happy. 

Weekend workouts…

So, managed to hit the gym on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Have to be honest, it was HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) on Saturday but Friday and Sunday it was LISS (Low Intensity Steady State). Together these workouts are fantastic and keep me going in the right direction. I was delighted to have lost weight again this week, but also to receive my Gold and Platinum Body Magic awards from Slimming World. This really shows how I have made healthy eating and fitness a way of life. Target by April along with size 12 jeans would be fantastic.

I have pushed fairly hard this weekend and can feel it. My thighs, core, shoulders and upper arms are all screaming at me today. But it is a comforting kind of pain; one that reminds me I am making a change for the better. I am no longer in pain because I am carrying excess weight around on the daily.

The rest of my Sunday will be spent chilling, napping, lazing in a bubbly bath, straightening my hair, painting my nails and roasting some chicken, vegetables and potatoes for dinner.  Hope you all enjoy the weekend.

One of them days…

What do they say about the best laid plans? Had to take my daughter to the Doctors straight after work and then developed a migraine. No gym visit today. Urgh! Came home to a dark, quiet room and slept, then woke up to pizza that my kids had ordered for dinner. Bless them! I ate it and enjoyed it. Now going back to sleep. Bag is packed for tomorrow and will attempt the gym straight from work.

I forced myself to do my plank challenge and even added an extra 30 second elbow plank tonight. It is hard as hell but only day 3. Hoping it will feel easier sometime soon. Sooooo shaky. Lol.

Tomorrow is another day…

Getting organised…

Not had a terrible day today but the chocolates have been calling and munched between meals. Delighted to see the back of the pannetonne this morning. Thankfully, back to work tomorrow and a very busy first day back in school. Teaching double English in the morning  and then double Maths after lunch, have already packed a box full of fruit to leave on my desk and plan on taking a fruit bowl in on Monday filled for the week ahead, as after Sydney goes back to halls on Sunday, I intend to be 100% on plan. 

Breakfast was late as we started our day with a sick daughter and the walk in centre, but I was glad that I had made overnight oats and they were ready and waiting for me. Lunch was leftover pasta Bolognese with added cucumber and tomato salad and syn free yogurt. Dinner was a SW ready meal as only cooking for myself this evening. 

Breakfast, lunch and snacks, both for the day and after the gym, are prepared and packed. Just need to pack my gym kit and get my work clothes ready for the morning. Really excited to get back to my daily routine and not be surrounded all day by temptation. The struggle is real. On the daily.

So now to pack gym bag and do my daily plank challenge.

Need routine asap…

Let us be honest for a moment, none of us have the willpower to walk past the open biscuit barrel without dipping in, to smile and say “No thank you” when offered yet another Lindt Lindor ball, to swerve the stack of perfect pannetonne and grab a satsumas instead!!! It is getting harder rather than easier and I have come to the conclusion that I need my daily grind and routine back asap.

Ok, trying to breath between ranty hysterics…star week, Christmas and long, utterly boring days need to come to a crunching halt now. I have tried desperately today to stick to plan, yet still these sugar ladden treats scream at me from every corner of my home, “eat us” they beg, “we dare you lardy wide load.” Eat them I do. I am weak.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner were on plan and accounted for. The pannetonne and custard however, not so much. *sigh*

Tomorrow is another day. I have got this. I will do this. Here’s hoping someone else in the house finishes the pannetonne tonight.

That is all…

The bitch is back…

It has been a while I know. I may have neglected the blog but my Instagram has been on task. Motivation has been waning of late, need a final push as want to hit target by April. A new year. A new me. A new lifestyle. It simply has to be…

The 1st January 2018 found me walking the Notting Hill pavements with a great friend. A Slimming World breakfast to start the adventure, which led to a Nutella New Year Cupcake from the Hummingbird Bakery for lunch and a Chicken, mushroom & pancetta pie, root veggies and mash for dinner. A day of delicious food that was enjoyed and thoroughly deserved. Tomorrow is the start of 2018 at the gym and back on plan. Determination is key. Target…I am coming for you.


Potato Curry…

Trying a vegetarian curry with rice for dinner this evening. I like to cook veggie meals now and again, otherwise my son lives on vegetable fingers, Quorn sausages or spicy bean burgers! From the new ‘Free and Easy’ cookbook at Slimming World. Ready in around thirty minutes.


Syn free Scotch Eggs

I have to be honest and confess that I really miss sausage rolls, pork pies and scotch eggs. So finding this recipe was a dream come true, made these bad boys at the weekend and they kept me ticking over all week. Great on their own as a snack and fabulous with a crispy, fresh salad. Definitely something I will make again.